Thursday, December 26, 2013

You can't download the game anymore

When I was playing my game, I realized that the world was very boring.  This was because the world looks the same from beginning to end, with no variation at all.  This happened because the world is randomly generated, created with the same algorithm from beginning to end.  Therefore, I decided to have the world be hand-made, and make the world interesting manually.  However, I don't want people to finish the game before it is released, so I  am not allowing new versions of the game to be downloaded any more.  While I'm not allowing people to download my game right now, I still will release the game to the public before the game is released, but maybe in a closed alpha or beta, and of course when it's finished.  It's not like I have any people who care about the progress of the game anyway.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In Place of Update 0.06, Here's a Poll

Update 0.06 is a really weird update.  This is because it's an update that is in the middle of a very big change happening to the game.  I'm not going to tell you what it is, only to surprise you, but the feature would mean you wouldn't be able to pick up any blocks.  However, the update does allow you to fly around, which could be fun.  So, since I have no idea what all of you people want, I decided that I would make a poll to allow you to tell me without a Google account.  The poll is below.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


When I was developing the update, I had the game only allow yourself to play 30 seconds each round.  This was because every time I needed to test a feature, I would need to start the game and create a new world.  What that means was that if I wanted to test something at the end of the round (which is what I was doing) than I would have to wait 5 minutes to do so.  To solve this problem, I just had the game have each round be 30 seconds, which would only require me to wait for 30 seconds for the round to end, saving productivity.

However, I never changed it back.  That meant, for a few minutes, I had released a version of the game that only allowed each round 30 seconds.  Luckily, I changed it back, and everything's great again.

The only reason I write abut this stuff is because I want the blog to have things in it besides the update announcements, even if the articles have topics about miniscule things that no one would ever notice.

Pre-Alpha 0.04

Pre-Alpha 0.04 should be out today!  It was mostly a bug fix update, so there's not much new.  Also, I forgot most of the bugs that I fixed.  Therefore, the update includes:
  • A new system for winning and losing (Work in progress)
  • Collision detection that actually allows you to move
  • Bug fixes:
    • you can now go back and fourth between worlds and have things actually change
    • As stated before, I forgot the rest
Happy playing!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Plan for the Update System

If the game is ever going to continue developing, it needs a better update system.  The current update system of "Update ___" is not going to do, especially if I end up creating a lot of updates.  Along with that, I am considering adding the ability to download old updates, and you need to know which one they are.  So, I made a new update system that allows for better classification on each addition to the game.

The Stages

There are going to be three stages of updates.  Those stages are: Pre-Alpha, Alpha, and Beta.  If I ever feel like it, I may skip a stage and move on to the next one.  However, I may not move back stages.  The reason I am doing this is because, while I want to give myself time to finish the game, I may give myself too much time and have nothing to add to the game.  Therefore, the rules allow me to finish the game if I like, even if I haven't technically reached the end yet.

The Decimal System

The game will be categorized like most software, with a decimal system.  The way I will do it, however, is by releasing every update as a 0.02 increment instead of a 0.1 increment like most of the software world updates.  The reason why I am doing this is because I want each stage to have about a year available to work in, and if you multiply 0.02 by 50 (a year is usually 52 weeks, but I needed to have the updates be readable), you get 1, which is where I want the section to stop.  If it doesn't make sense, post something in the comments and I'll try to answer you.

The Conclusion

The game will be categorized like most software.  With most software, the updates will be split up into Pre-Alpha, Alpha, and Beta.  Along with that, the decimal system that is widely used is also present.  Actually, the only unique quality about the system is the fact that the updates come in increments of 0.02.  All in all, this system is just like the rest, and this post was a waste of time.  Bye!